World Bee Day 🐝

May 20, 2024 is World Bee Day again, this day has come about to raise awareness for bees again. After all, these little creatures are vital to our survival as human beings.  


Why in May?  

In the month of May many species of (wild) bees become active again and can be seen in abundance in gardens, they start producing their spring honey.  


But bees sting!  

Many people are fearful of bees because, of course, they can sting which can cause ugly pain. But a bee only stings when it feels threatened and sees no other way out. When a bee stings, it loses its sting, a piece of its body that will eventually kill it.  

Busy bee on pink lilac tree

How can you avoid getting stung?


  • Stay calm when a bee is near you. Starting to wave your hands violently sows panic. If you remain calm, the bee will fly away again.  
  • Don't put honey on the table, honey attracts bees (you can also have this for with other very sweet substances)  
  • Brightly colored clothing (with prints) can attract the bees by mistaking it for a flower.  

Stung anyway? Read more:,angel%20niet%20meer%20terug%20trekken. 


How can you help the bees?  


  • Mow your grass less often, or let certain areas grow “wild. A wilder garden is better for both people and animals. Wildflowers are not only beautiful but also great for bees.  
  • Choose native shrubs, the bees happy with the flowers and you with the delicious fruit.  
  • Don't be too quick to harvest vegetables, flowering carrots, leeks or onions the bees love! Just as herb gardens are wonderful for bee and human alike.  
  • Dead wood gives room for life, a corner of the garden where nothing is growing? Let some dead wood take its course there or a pile of sand. A pile of sand in a sunny spot helps bees nest in the ground.  
  • Plant flower bulbs or establish a flower border, choosing native plants as much as possible  
  • Hang an insect hotel, buy one or craft one yourself. It is not difficult and gives both bees and other small insects a nesting place. Hang them in a sunny but sheltered spot. Leave the little hotels hanging, in spring the little ones will hatch and leave from there on their own adventure.  
  • Install a green roof, these are not only insulating but with the right plants they can become a real bee heaven.  
  • Choose a kinder alternative instead of pesticides.  



If you now think I don't have a (big) garden, I won't make a difference. Then you are quite wrong, even on your city balcony you can make a difference by offering the right plants or shelter.  


Have fun gardening and enjoying these beautiful creatures!

in News
Marketing. May 13, 2024
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