Moonie, the benefits of an electric teddy bear for your little one.

Have you heard of an electronic teddy bear for your child? In this blog, we briefly explain why this kind of bear can be a great advantage in your family. 

Maybe you remember him? Your favorite teddy bear from when you were a child yourself. A teddy bear can play a very important role in a child's life, they radiate safety and security and can comfort your child when mom or dad is not with them. Today there are electronic teddy bears, in this blog we want to tell a little more about them.  


Why electric?


Why electric? Now you may be wondering why need an electric soft toy when you already have plenty of “regular” ones? These bears have a few handy features that help both child and parent, for starters, they come with sound. What kind of sound depends a bit on the brand of bear you choose, a Moonie has a natural pink noise. 

Toddler cuddles with baby sister, together they lie next to a Moonie 




During pregnancy, babies are actually never completely silent. They hear Mom's heartbeat, the sounds of her organs, sounds outside the belly, and so on. In short silence can be very uncomfortable for a young baby. This is why you often hear the advice to put your baby to sleep near noises such as the TV, radio, vacuum cleaner, ...  

You obviously can't keep this going all night, which is where a Moonie comes in handy. This particular bear plays sound for 30 minutes and then goes into a snooze mode that is only activated again when your child cries. So this bear is ideal for helping your child fall asleep or stay asleep. 




The Moonie is equipped with a night light, for a child under six months this is not super useful since children of this age are not afraid of the dark. For older children this is then very applicable as they may suffer from night fear as they get older. Again, the presence of a light brings a sense of safety and security.  

In the first six months, it may not be super important for your baby, but all the more convenient for yourself. Now tell yourself, a soft night light is a real must have at night feeds. 


In the first six months, it may not be super important for your baby, but all the more convenient for yourself. Now tell yourself, a baby looking at you while lying on a blanket with the Moonie bear soft night light is a real must have at night feeds.



For newborns, it is not recommended to put a bear next to the bed to prevent choking. When the child grows a little bigger, the Moonie can be put in the bed. It can be useful to combine an electric bear with a smaller cuddly toy/sweat blanket, children can get very attached to their cuddly toy. Therefore, get more than 1 in the house to avoid major dramas if the favorite bear is lost.  


Always follow the instruction manual correctly to avoid problems. Find out more about the Moonie here:

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