Pack your escape suitcase

With this blog, we want to help you pack your flight bag.
Exciting! The big moment is getting closer and closer. With this blog, we want to help you pack your flight bag.

Quite a strange word “escape suitcase,” as if you have put out something criminal and are on the run. But nothing could be further from the truth, something very exciting and beautiful is just waiting for you, for you guys, and of course you want to be as prepared for it as possible.   


Pregnant woman sitting on the bed. Her hands are on the abdomen.

Especially for that, this blog contains a lot of tips and you can download a free flyer below, handy to keep at hand once you start packing.  

  Let's start for mom (to be), the essentials:


  • Your phone and charger  
  • Wallet, ID, bank card, health care card 
  • Your keys and change for the wheelchair 
  • Your own pillow (thank us later!) 


Kind of obvious, but once the time comes you may dare to lose sight of it. For your personal care, it is best to take the following item with you:  

  • Toiletry bag with toothbrush and toothpaste 
  • Deodorant and body mist for a nice scent afterwards  
  • Hair brush and hair elastic bands 
  • Dry shampoo if you don't feel the need to wash your hair in the hospital, otherwise just your normal shower products 
  • Cleansing wipes for your face 
  • Lip balm 
  • If needed: glasses/lenses/lens solution  
  • Washcloth + towel 
  • Medicine 
  • Maternity bandages 
  • Cold/warm compresses 
  • Nipple cream and pads 
  • Postpartum bottle to rinse your vagina 

Optionally, you can still pack your makeup and cherry pit pillow/heat jar. . 

Clothing for Mom:

  •  Comfortable clothes you want to give birth in 
  • 2x extra large t-shirts 
  • Comfortable pajamas/ nightshirt and possibly a dressing gown 
  • Wide jogging or pajama pants 
  • Warm socks and regular socks  
  • Warm sweater  
  • Large underwear (!!!) possibly disposable underwear. As they say, the “bomma underpants” with room for the maternity dressing  
  • Nursing and/or maternity bra  
  • Slippers or flip-flops 

Above all, don't forget to pack some treats. 

Above all, don't forget to pack some goodies. Bring something to drink, a quick snack and something to reward yourself with afterwards. Some dextrose, a sugary drink or snack can come in handy if it takes a little longer. A water bottle with a straw or drinking spout is easy.  


mom and child on bed with a travel case

To pass the time:

  • Phone, laptop or tablet (and their chargers)  
  • A book or magazines 
  • Music box, headphones or earbuds to listen to your favorite playlist 
  • Other things like a puzzle book, in short, something you like to occupy yourself with  


Make yourself as comfortable as possible, take your feeding pillow with you to the hospital. 

So, now that we have everything for Mom, we also have to pack a bag for the baby:

  • 2x hat 
  • 2x shirts and pants 
  • 2x rompers 
  • 2x socks 
  • jacket or cardigan 
  • diapers and wet wipes  
  • first outfit 
  • blanket 
  • first cuddle 
  • pacifier 
  • wrap cloth 
  • tetracloth 
  • possibly anti crab mitts 
  • bottle to supplement feeding if needed  
  • maxi cosi/ car seat to bring him/her home safely 


Tip van onze mama’s: sorteer elke outfit in een diepvrieszakje. 

baby feet in a towel

Behold! Ready for mom and baby, but your partner won't get out of it either. 

Essentials for your spouse:


  • wallet, ID, bank card, health care card,...  
  • keys 
  • phone and charger  

Personal care for your partner:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste 
  • Deodorant 
  • If needed: glasses/lenses/lens solution  
  • Any medications 
  • Spare clothing, clean underwear 
  • Towel and washcloth  


It's best to get the most important documents ready ahead of time and put them in an agreed-upon place so that your partner can easily take them out when the time comes. Consider:

Important documents:


  •  Insurance papers from both of you  
  • Papers from the midwife 
  • If appropriate; the birth plan 
  • Phone list with important numbers 
  • Hospital registration cards if you have them  
  • A to-do list of the documents / things that need to be made in order once the baby arrives (think about declaring the birth to the municipality, your health insurance, etc.)  


Other things your partner may need:


  • Entertainment to pass the time: book, magazine, tablet,... . 
  • Something to eat and drink  
  • Camera + memory card and charger  
  • Details of your designer/printing company who will finish the birth announcement - you can also do this later, once you are back home 


It is best to make sure this bag is ready by week 34 (earlier is always allowed) so you are ready to go.

If there are already older children, it is helpful to think in advance what needs to be done with them and what is required to do so. E.g., who picks them up or brings them. Are they going to stay with the grandparents, having a guest bag ready is helpful so everyone is ready for the big moment.  


DUTCH ONLY for the moment
Download hier GRATIS: printklare flyer. 

Pregnant woman holding ultrasound. Sitting in cross-legged position.

Marketing. 18 mai 2024
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